A stranger to fiction no more

One of the most common questions I am asked about my writing is if it's fiction or non-fiction. Out of the 169 posts I've shared, there are exactly two (this one, and this one) which did not happen exactly as written, although both were inspired by real events. Writing fiction, as I am sure I... Continue Reading →

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I have neglected my writing due to a combination of work craziness and laziness. I also recently picked up a side gig of tutoring so between that, my full-time job, and my copywriting side hustle, I’m exhausting all my brain power to bother to write words for myself. But, I decided this year I was... Continue Reading →

And I’m done

Some of you would be aware that since even before I started this blog I have been studying to complete my Masters in Organisational Communication. Today I submitted my final assessment, my research project, the bane of my existence for the past eight months. It is done. I definitely do not recommend enrolling in uni... Continue Reading →

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