And I’m done

Some of you would be aware that since even before I started this blog I have been studying to complete my Masters in Organisational Communication. Today I submitted my final assessment, my research project, the bane of my existence for the past eight months. It is done.

I definitely do not recommend enrolling in uni when you’re bored and you see an ad on Facebook. It leads you down a ridiculous path of deadlines and crying and submitting assessments at 20 minutes before midnight. It makes your head hurt and your eyes water, your bum sore and generally it hangs over you like a marquee filling with water that will dump on your head at any moment.

But, I did it. And I am (not at all quietly) super chuffed. I have no idea if what I just submitted is going to nab me a High Distinction. If it doesn’t, it will ruin my near-perfect GPA. I thought long and hard about whether that mattered to me as I stared at that submit button. I only need a Pass to graduate and, fuck yes, that will do me.

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