Growing older not wiser

I feel old. It’s ridiculous to say at 35 but I feel my life passing me by and I don’t feel in control of it. I got an MRI today on a bung knee. I have no idea what I did to it originally, way back when I first noticed it in 2017, but it’s... Continue Reading →

An unexpected tour guide in Kathmandu

23 October 2017 - Morning Even more important than knowing where you’re going is acting like you do, or so I had read in an article about solo travel. On my first day in Kathmandu, I spent a stupid amount of time looking out my hotel window, looking for other tourists to see which direction... Continue Reading →

Infertility leaves no physical scars

My mum had always told us kids that if we ever got a tattoo she would disown us. It was a serious threat that none of us had taken lightly. It had been a year since my diagnosis of immature egg syndrome. A year since I had stopped really caring what anyone thought, including my... Continue Reading →

Creating tension with a knife

I like to think I’m not easily impressed by the contents of a person’s top drawer. Vibrators, dildos, cock rings, massage oil, lube, anal beads, strap-ons, hand cuffs, blindfolds – if I didn’t own it myself I had certainly seen it or experienced it. But when S tells me he has knives in his top... Continue Reading →

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