Everest base camp in numbers

I wore a Garmin Vivofit device to track my steps and distance over the 11 days of my Everest Base Camp trek, which was handy because it's waterproof and doesn't need charging. Unfortunately, it doesn't log floors climbed or elevation. These stats represent all movement for the day, which included any down time in villages... Continue Reading →

A mountain hidden in clouds

28 October 2017 I was excited waking up this morning, thinking I would finally have my first glimpse of Everest, but my expectations were exceeded the moment I stepped out of the front door of the teahouse. It was early, the sun still behind the mountains that embrace Namche Bazaar. But the skies were clear,... Continue Reading →

Finding a bakery in Namche Bazaar

27 October 2017 Today began well before my 6.30am alarm. The walls of the teahouse were thin and people in nearby rooms were stirring from 5.30am. The morning pilgrimage to the bathroom and back at the end of the hall, the opening and closing of wooden doors that always seem to stick. I’d slept well... Continue Reading →

Welcome to Phakding

26 October 2017 – Afternoon I was on my way to Everest Base Camp (EBC) but I was walking downhill. What the? Yep, the entire first day of walking is a gradual descent from 2,860m to 2,625m which makes for a very easy day of walking but a terrible day for the mind. When you... Continue Reading →

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